My wife and I went to the Philippines for 10 days in February, early March to celebrate
our 20th year anniversary. My wife and I were married in her hometown of Rizal in 1998.
We started in Manila, ended up in Dipolog City & Dakak Resort at the farthest
southern Island, Mindanao. The Philippines has over 7,000 islands!
Let's start with Manila!
Flying near Mt Pinatubo which is still an active volcano, just north of Manila
Manila has over 10 million people and densest in the world at 46,000 people per square mile,
twice the density of New York City * This photo is just a small section of Manila!
It is very smoggy, hence the quality of the pic, especially at the top of photo.
Waterfront near the Rosas Garden Hotel we stayed at while in Manila for two days.
Manila Cathedral built in the 15th century
Took the long, slow way back to hotel!
Fishermen at work. Seagull looking to steal a fish.
On our way to Dipolog City, Mindanao Island.
Red star is Dipolog City
Even tiny remote Dipolog City has a McDonalds!
Unlike the busy Manila airport, only ONE plane here!
Motorcycle Cabs and Jeepneys are the main mode of travel here.
Dakak Resort Website
Too crowded here, you think?
Cabin we stayed in.
Having fun at Dakak Resort!
Video of the Filipina Kids playing Bamboo music
Video of Filipina singers
We went to Rizal where Iryn grew up to visit Mama gravesite
Mama's gravesite... marble stone.
Where we were married 20 years ago
Where Iryn went to High School
A carabao (water buffalo)
Rooster fighting is very popular in the Philippines
Philippine version of a Robin
Filipino Cats
We stayed at the Manual Resort for one night.
Then stayed at Hotel Camila 2 for our last night before going home.
Time to go home. Back to Manila, then Seattle.
Dakak Resort!
Dapitan City on far right, Dakak Resort, middle
Goodbye till we meet again...
Thoughts on the trip to Philippines
Very close to the beach and their service was outstanding!
Rosas Garden Hotel website
Black star is Dakak Resort
Yellow star is Rizal, where Iryn grew up.
Only two flights a day to Dipolog City!
and to see the Church we were married in 20 years ago!
On map, yellow star is Rizal, red is Dipolog City, black is Dakak Resort.
No beach, but with several themed swimming pools, great for families with kids!
We had a local family get-together there, (Iryn's side of the family).
Manuel Resort website
Nice place to stay if in Dipolog City. Clean, very nice people running it.
Hotel Camila 2 website
Would we come back? HECK YES!
Besides being just as nice or nicer than Hawaii, more affordable and a LOT less people,
the biggest thing we liked was the people everywhere from Manila down to the southern island
were so polite and nice. Not because we were spending money, it was even
folks walking, driving by on bikes, jeepneys waving etc. Not use to that in USA.
Simply put, Filipino's just love Americans!
© Jack Moskovita Photography
If you want to buy any print at any size, contact:
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